The inspiration for this blog comes from my work – yes, I just heard your “blech,” but hang with me… So work is work, and while there are many blech feelings, there are five million and 3/4 reasons why I love Razoo. Here are just a smidgen…
1. Coffee: If you’ve seen our electronic “barista”, you know what I’m talkin' bout. Kind of high maintenance, but keeps the office running on soy cappuccinos.
2. Snacks: Chocolate covered pretzels, dried mango, smoked almonds, milano cookies, nutella, Kashi, yuummmm.
3. Attire: I’m automatically overdressed for work in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, since at least I leave my shoes on all day.
4. Office supplies: Superflulous amounts of florescent sticky notes and retractable sharpies, but always lacking pens... yet another of life’s great mysteries.
5. Furniture: Exercise balls to sit on when restless and a broken couch dressed in a questionable shade of green
6. Décor: pictures of smiling children, subtle lime green accents and random yellow coat racks
7. Location, location, location: 12 minute (10 min 12 sec if I book it) walk to Trader Joes!
8. Resources: My own techteam on hand to fix the newest crisis involving any piece of plastic that plugs in, runs on a battery, and/or connects to the internet
9. Did I mention snacks and coffee?
Aside from the obvious perks, one of the best parts of my job is exposure to incredible people who are selflessly spending their lives serving others. This is also one of the hardest parts of my job. I am a do-er, but job requires that I be a sit-er. I live behind a computer screen twice the size of my TV, and read amazing stories of people that are doing things - teaching English in Cambodia, building houses in Honduras, rescuing orphans in China, healing the sick in Vietnam, creating a sustainable economy in East Africa, restoring hope in Pakistan, while I just sit. Many days I get fluttering of anxiety “why am I just sitting here?”
This can be a healthy encouragement to consider the needs of others and do what I can to help, an exhortation to stop being self-absorbed, but more often than not, this anxiety reveals my lack of trust in God's sovereignty and sufficiency.
I am prone believe the lies that I have to "do" to earn God's favor, that I have the ultimate power to fix things, and that my life is all about me. The truth is that my every breath is give to me not because I have merited it, but because I have been created by a good God. A God who has prepared good works for me to both walk in, as well as at times to “sit” in. God made me a human being, not a human-doing, and thus did not pick me due to my abilities or even potential. He does not demand performance as if he is holding a cosmic scouting combine, He lovingly equips me to be faithful with that to which He has called me. That may mean that I pack up my life, get on an airplane, and spend the rest of my life overseas. Or not . Regardless of location or position, I am called to be a loyal and faithful citizen of God's kingdom. Right now, that looks like sitting behind a computer screen, respecting my boss, loving my co-workers, serving our clients, and helping others to be faithful in other places.
I hope this blog will be a place where I can brag about the amazing things that people using Razoo are doing around the world, and here at home. I hope it is a place to praise God for all that He has given us to faithfully steward. Whether this inspires you to go, or whether this inspires you to remain where you are, I pray that it will encourage you to be faithful and remember that it's not all about you (or me).
Happy giving!